
Refron Refrigerant Gas R410A HFC Azeotropic Mixture 11.3 Kg

PKR 32,755.77 PKR 45,374.25

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Refron Refrigerant Gas R410A is a hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant that has become widely used as a replacement for R22 refrigerant in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. R410A is a blend of two refrigerant gases HFC 32 and HFC 125. That work together to provide efficient and effective cooling.

Refron Refrigerant Gas, R-410a, HFC, Azeotropic Mixture, 11.3 Kg

One of the main benefits of R410A is its high efficiency. It has a higher cooling capacity than many other refrigerants, which means that it can provide more cooling power using less energy. This makes it an environmentally friendly choice that can help reduce energy costs for businesses and homeowners alike.

Another advantage of R410A is that it is non ozone depleting. Which means that it does not contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer in the earths atmosphere. This makes it a more environmentally responsible choice than many of its predecessors. Which were phased out due to their harmful effects on the environment.

R410A is also a safe and reliable refrigerant choice. It is non toxic and non flammable. Which means that it is safe to handle and transport. It is also compatible with most existing air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Making it a convenient and easy choice for retrofitting existing systems.


SKU: R410A Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,
Wight 11.3kg
Quality European standard
Additional Non Flammable